
Welcome to My OS212's Github Page!

Some Important Links

  1. Linuxcommands
    Contains all of the basic informations about common linux commands and how to use them.

  2. Neso Academy OS Playlist
    A Youtube video playsist that explains OS’s lecture materials

  3. Command Line for Beginner
    Some overview about command line

  4. (Blogs) Basics vi Commands
    Contains all of vi basic commands and how to use them

  5. Regex
    How to create and read a regular expression (regex)

  6. How to Format Disk Partitions in Linux
    Instructions about disk partitions formating with some aditional information about file system.

  7. (Article) Develop your own filesystem with FUSE
    Tutorial and introduction regarding FUSE virtual filesystem.

  8. Main Memory
    Introduction to main memory management in OS.

  9. Memory Management
    Memory management in OS.

  10. Main Memory(again)
    Deepen understanding with Main Memory.

  11. Memory Paging
    Explains the concept about virtual memory paging

  12. (Video) Linux processes, init, fork/exec, ps, kill, fg, bg, jobs
    The video explains linux processes and show what can we do to the processes.

  13. How Process Synchronization Works?
    This article explains briefly all of emerging problems from syncronization and some solutions to it

  14. Linux from Scratch CHapter 5: Compiling a Cross Toolchain
    This video explains how to compile a cross toolchain for LFS in a really slow pace

16 Linux From Scratch: Chapter 6 and 7
This video explains with slow pace how to do LFS for chapter 6 and 7